
How does Brain Entrainment Help You Concentrate and Study

The purpose of this post is to explain how brain entrainment can help learners study and concentrate on their academically demanding tasks at hand.

Brain Entrainment in easy terms

Science has proved that brain wave frequencies vary according to mental states. For example, when you’re daydreaming or your mind is at rest, brainwaves are in the ‘Alpha’ range of frequencies. It follows that music containing beats at a frequency of 10 Hz will make you feel very relaxing because your brain will begin to follow this frequency and reproduce the rhythm in the music. You will automatically generate more brainwaves at a 10 Hz frequency and enter a relaxed Alpha mental state. For details about brain entrainment and the four brainwave frequencies, please refer to a previous article Brain Entrainment – Four Basic Frequencies and a Binaural Beats Free Download.

Importance of concentration in study

Concentration is the ability to focus your attention on one single thought or subject, excluding everything else from the field of awareness. A high degree of concentration enables you to improve your memory power and focus your mind on anything at will, without being distracted by thoughts, noises or any other distractions. You need this ability when you read, study, meditate, work or while doing almost anything else. A brain entrainment recording aims at achieving such aims quickly and easily.

Concentration can be obtained through proper and regular exercise. One example of these exercises involves counting backwards from 100 and another repeating a simple word, often a positive one silently for 5 minutes, then 8 then 10 etc. As you can see, without the aid of brain entrainment, concentration training can be dull and time-consuming.

Brain entrainment and students

Many students have had the experience of reading paragraphs and sometimes pages of learning material, only to realize that they haven’t understood any of it because they weren’t focusing. Their attention simply strays from their reading or other academic tasks even though they wish they could concentrate. Some common obstacles to concentration include fatigue, distractions like TV, and anxiety about completing assignments. To the typical youth, all of these obstacles seem very difficult to avoid. This is where brain entrainment can come to these young people’s aid.

Carefully selected brain entrainment recordings can be used to focus the mind single-pointedly at the academic task at hand, be it essay writing or math problems solving. Under the impact of the brain entrainment binaural beats isochronic tones, the analytic and creative faculties of the mind can operate at full flow. Instead of wandering or straying off aimlessly, the mind will focus on completing the assignment at hand without giving any thought to the distractions. Worries and frustrations about not finishing schoolwork will be eliminated because your mind is focused solely on one task. The anxiety level will also drop as a natural result. All of the above is made possible simply because of the amazing technology of

brain entrainment.

If you recall your college days, it is not difficult to find that there were always one or two guys in the class who were able to stay in the zone without being distracted by a wandering mind. They seemed to be able to concentrate on their work no matter what distractions were around. These people are definitely enviable. If you’re one of them, you have my congratulations. If you do not belong to this group, you should seriously consider brain entrainment as a study aid. It can help you get into the zone quickly, stay at your peak for as long as you wish and even increase your memory power.

Personal experience has convinced me of the power behind the brain entrainment technology. It will benefit any user in some way. Find out how brain entrainment recording help you concentrate and study now.

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