Subliminal messaging hypnosis can do magic in your life: attract money, gain confidence, weight loss… you name it. This article is going to tell you why and how.
What is subliminal messaging hypnosis?
Subliminal messaging hypnosis is in fact not a new concept, yet it can still be misunderstood by some people. The term "subliminal" comes from the Latin words "sub" and "limen", which literally mean "below threshold". As such, a subliminal message is any type of information which is received by our brains below its perception. The subliminal messaging will then perform the function of self hypnosis and bring about the positive change in life that we want to experience.
Subliminal messaging and our mind
Subliminal information can be received in many forms with the audio and visual subliminal messaging being the most common. The most basic example of subliminal messaging hypnosis is the TV and billboard advertisements around us in our every day lives. We do not rush to buy the products advertised immediately because we have a constant, automatic filter in our mind to protect us from this type of hypnosis. The human mind has the ability to consciously process only the information we need for our own good there and then and filter out the rest.
Our mind is a wonderful guard in filtering out subliminal messages. Here is an example. When you are crossing a street, you notice the traffic around you but when you are walking on the path, you will hardly notice the cars passing just a few feet away. This is because your mind knows what information is important to you at different situations and decides on the kind of subliminal messaging to reach you, and so causes you to focus.
How does subliminal messaging hypnosis work?
Subliminal messaging hypnosis is magical and powerful. Subliminal messages are actually positive affirmations played to our mind but at such a frequency that it cannot notice it. When our mind is bypassed, it cannot treat the positive affirmations as irrelevant and filter them out. As a result, the positive affirmations will reach our sub-conscious mind and create whatever positive changes we want.
Most commonly subliminal messaging comes in the form of audios and they can make magical change in your life. They can help you improve your self esteem and confidence, your motivation, willpower, and even help you to slim down or achieve success in business - the possibilities are endless.
This is all because we are capable of processing information on a subliminal level and allow the subliminal messaging hypnosis to take effect.
This is all because we are capable of processing information on a subliminal level and allow the subliminal messaging hypnosis to take effect.